God is the creator of all, both living and non living things on earth. Every living and non living things that God created was uniquely made to perfection for Gods glory.
According to the Bible, in the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26-31, it reads, God said let us make mankind in our image after our likeness, let them have complete authority over all creatures of God on earth.
Now, the book of Genesis verse written above has clarify to us how man was created by God and of what purpose he was created.
This literally tell us that God genuinely out of His kindness, love and wisdom created man in His own image and likeness to dominate the earth and everything here in and fulfill His legacy by worshipping Him and obeying His commandment here on earth.
As a true christian, we must obey Gods commandments and calling for us to inherit the power and might from God through Holy Spirit which in turn will empower and embolden us for greater task and accomplishment in life.
Many of us whom are specially and divinely called for God evangelism and doing God’s work in one way or the other must identify and respond positively to their respective calling on time solely for their own peace of mind and thereby fulfilling God’s glory.
In conclusion, persistent ignore of Gods commandment and call can be very disastrous. According to the book of Jonah, Jonah ignore to heed Gods call to go and preach the gospel at Nineveh, but his persistence not to heed to Gods call almost cost him his life, if not for Gods mercy and glory that enable him to stay alive for three days inside the belly of the fish, before being vomited..