Esteemed reader, with regard to “Revelation,” the last book of the Bible, is it possible you would say “Amen” to the following expressions that sum up, more or less, what a significant number of people feel who have read a part or all of that book authored by God and recorded by the apostle John?
“I don’t like Revelation! Once I tried to read and understand it, but no way! So much wrath of God, so much violence and blood, greatly offends and depresses me. I am no longer interested in reading articles or commentaries on Revelation, nor do I care to watch videos about it. All that would be a waste of my time.”
Well, to tell the truth, this matter is also profoundly disquieting to me. To the extreme that, though I have read and studied Revelation many, many times, I decided to read through it once more and make a list of all the verses where the exact phrase “wrath of God” appears, as well as all the rest where his “wrath” is manifested in one way or another.
I discovered that, in my opinion, there is not so very, very much DIVINE WRATH as there might appear to be at a summary reading. By no means are flames of wrath shooting out from every chapter and verse of the book as if the whole were on fire. On the contrary, manifestations of the “wrath of God” are limited to 125 of the 404 verses that Revelation has. That is, to approximately 31% of the book.
Now then, to form an even more complete and objective perspective of the “wrath” that God himself openly affirms to keenly feel in certain situations and times defined by him in the book of Revelation (of which he is the original author, according to Revelation 1:1), I also made a list of all the verses that merit being categorized as “positive, encouraging, inspiring, that fill the open mind and soul with a healthy, pure hope of a “coming world” infinitely better than this one (Hebrews 2:3), that assure the eventual definitive, eternal triumph of the GOOD and JUST over the EVIL and UNJUST, of RIGHT over WRONG, of TRUTH over UNTRUTH.”
I found they number 197 verses, that is, 49% of the 404 that Revelation has. Which is 75 more verses than the 125 that name and describe the “wrath of God.”
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