REVELATION 19:11-16“`
“And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God” (REVELATION 19:15).
The judicial system in most parts of the world can hardly be wholesomely relied upon. Like every other human institution, it is fraught with all forms of weaknesses and inadequacies. Apart from the fact that it is possible to exploit its shortcomings to escape conviction and judgment, there is also the possibility of miscarriage of justice. It is also possible to influence the men and women who serve as judges.
Today’s Bible passage reveals a Great Judge who sits over an inerrant judicial system. He is introduced as the KING of kings AND the LORD OF lords. Notice that His Name is capitalized, indicating that He is all-powerful and has no rival. He will appear with many crowns upon His head, having won all battles over sin, Satan, and the world. He will return with His army, holy angels, and saints to execute judgment on the Antichrist, the false prophet, and sinners at the battle of Armageddon. On that day, Christ will appear with power and might to execute judgment on all sinners, and no one, however powerful and connected, will be able to escape His judgment.
So many people live their lives wantonly. They live as if there is no one that they are accountable to. They forget that they will have to stand before the Almighty and Impartial God to answer for all that they have done while on earth. There is no way to manipulate the righteous Judge. Moreover, His judgment is irreversible.
God is a righteous Judge. He will not condemn the righteous with the wicked. There will not be cases of mistaken identity with Him. So, there will not be any form of miscarriage of justice. Everyone will receive justly what he deserves. All those who through the Lord Jesus have made their ways right and settled their accounts of sins here will escape the final condemnation. This is the only way to escape. If you have not settled your account and received justification by faith, repent now and give your life to Him.
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