“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
A famous writer says, “The brazen serpent heals all that looked upon it and looked up unto it, though all had eyes alike, some with a weak, others with a stronger eye. In like manner, doth Christ justify and save all, that with a sincere faith, though weak, do rely upon him for salvation: Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish”.
Our passage today speaks of the testimony of John the Baptist concerning Jesus Christ. John affirmed that Jesus is from above and is above all. He added that He spoke heavenly words and those who received His testimony confirmed that. The Father loves Christ and has given all things on earth and in heaven into His hands. Only those who believe on Him will have everlasting life; those who reject Him have the wrath of God abiding on them.
Today, the gory consequences of sin stares humanity in the face. These include sexually transmitted infections and diseases resulting from immoral lifestyles and damage to liver and kidney as a result of smoking and alcoholism. What about the wars, terrorism, kidnapping, paedophilic activities and attendant devastation on its victims? The list is endless.
Yet, one thing is clear: it is only the acceptance of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and of His lordship that can bring peace into the heart of a sinner. This is why He came for the sins of the world and for the redemption of men. Dear Christian, the world cannot get too sophisticated and technological that it no longer needs salvation. Jesus is all the world needs today, more than ever before. Tell everyone around you about Christ. In Him lies the answer and solution to man’s problem.
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