In this passage, the children of Israel were excited at this time, having defeated all their enemies and settled in the Promised Land. But it was also a tempting time for them, given the possibility of forgetting God and adopting the idolatrous lifestyles of their Canaan neighbours. Hence, Joshua called them to ponder on God’s faithfulness right from the Patriarchs’ time and confronted them to either choose to serve God exclusively or the gods of the Amorites while declaring his own personal resolve to serve the Lord with his household. Their promise to cleave unto the Lord made Joshua to make a covenant with the people that day.
It is often very easy for people to make promises to serve God, only to renege and return to their old ways due to challenges. Are you fully persuaded about your decision to follow the Lord to the end? Our commitment to serve God should be for our lifetime, with no strings attached.
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