Key Verse:
“Do all things without murmurings and disputings:” Philippians 2:14
To murmur is to continuously make complaints about a particular situation. This act of murmuring always goes with unpleasant comments and actions. It is an attitude that is not pleasing to both God and man. The children of Israel were full of murmurings when they were in the wilderness on their way to the promised land. This bad behaviour of theirs hindered majority of them from entering the promised land. When we murmur, it shows that we are ungrateful. It will make us to forget all the good things that have been done for us.
When faced with challenges, we should remember God’s previous faithfulness to us and pray for His intervention in the current one rather than murmuring and complaining. When sent on an assignment by your parents, do it with joy and not with murmuring. As you joyfully carry out your assignments and house chores, you will enjoy the favour of God and man.
Prayer for today
Father, please give me the grace to do things well and without murmuring.
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