Key Verse:
“But the people held their peace, and answered him not a word: for the king’s commandment was, saying, Answer him not.” 2 Kings 18:36
It is often said that “Silence is golden.” On the other hand, the Bible says, “A fool also is full of words …” (Ecclesiastes 10:14). Rabshakeh, the servant of the king of Assyria was one of those people that has the bad habit of talkativeness and boasting. Rab-shakeh boasted so much that he told the people not to trust in God because he thought, not even the Almighty God could deliver Israel from the king of Assyria. That was too much. It is often said that empty barrel makes the greatest noise. A child that talks too much will exaggerate and also tell a lie. Too much talking makes one to lose his/her selfrespect and weakens our spiritual energy.
On the other hand, a child that talks less is able to control himself. Such a child will be a thoughtful child. Our Lord Jesus Christ showed a practical example when He was being tried. “And the chief priests accused him of many things: but He answered nothing” This made His accusers to be confused. There is power in silence. Always think before you talk. If you think before you talk: your words will always carry weight, you will be considered a wise child, and you will be respected. If you cultivate the habit of speaking wisely, you will defeat all those who are planning to catch you by your words.
Prayer for today
Oh Lord, set a watch over my mouth and be in control of what I say.
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